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Adobe after effects cc - motion graphics design & vfx free -Adobe after effects cc - motion graphics design & vfx free. ADOBE AFTER EFFECTS CC FOR MOTION GRAPHICS DESIGNING
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All rights reserved. The content of this guide is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Author Mark Myers Incorporated. Author Incorporated assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in the informational content contained in this guide. It is specially designed for video image composition by building up layers of transparency.
In this sense it could be compared to Photoshop, but After Effects comes in the temporal dimension. From this point of view also it supports compared to Premiere; In fact, you can find a number of similarities, but do not forget that each is suited to different purposes. After Effects far surpasses flexibility and precision tools with which account Premiere for conducting operations animation, mask, etc. On the other hand, In fact, the three programs mentioned are complemented perfectly: Photoshop allows you to prepare all artwork with unlimited potential in terms of creative possibilities; After Effects can take this same material and produce as we need him for the final result: headers, credits, overprints, animated graphics, etc.
Or we can set up a base video and audio in Premiere and then manipulate this material in After Effects. The upshot of all this is that we must consider After Effects as a specialist for professional use of postproduction program, but without forgetting at the same time it is a program that is not isolated, and that their use together with Photoshop and Premiere is much extends the capability of each of them separately.
The usual workflow basically consists of the following steps: Preparing the source material. Import it into a project. Create one or more compositions. Sort by layers of different materials within a composition, and adjust their lengths and their order within the sequence.
Apply the desired effects and animations within the composition in progress. Render the project. In this relationship of steps worth mentioning some two elements that perhaps now not known much: the compositions and layers. We soon get used to them as fundamental elements that are of After Effects. By composition we understand the working space, with dimensions and a duration defined, while any one layer is imported in the project, at the instant which is situated within the element composition.
As this respect, the analogy is most evident with Photoshop with Premiere, and therefore the term used is layer, and no track. Any of the layers of a composition having opaque areas and transparent areas, in a variable proportion always. Thus, To start: a little planning A good tip starting to get good final results is that, before hitting his head on a project, we effect some previous work; we will both preparing video materials, audio and graphics to be used in the planning of what will be the project.
An analysis of the characteristics to be met result used to determine the parameters that will use. Never too advisable to go changing these parameters in the middle of the process; although you can do, such turn negatively influence the outcome or make it necessary to start again from the beginning. Once you have determined the requirements for our project, the following rule is to prepare the material according to these requirements. Not recommended, for example, scan size and resolution images that are twice what is needed and use them as is; thus sobrecargaremos the project unnecessarily, we all slower operations and longer rendering process.
Worth getting used to scale the images to the desired size and move them to a resolution of 72 dpi, instead of making a scaling in After Effects. You can say the same of any other material. Practice Prepare a background and a video. There can be more than one project open. Create a composition. We create a composition. In the workspace, so far quite empty, the windows appear Composition and Timeline, and thus we obtain the overview of the environment After Effects running.
On the menu Composition select New composition … we open the dialog Composition settings. From the dropdown menu select Web x video, one set of predefined parameters. The box Composition Settings dialog box. After Effects environment. The Project window This window is a space that acts as browser Document functions as storage area files, and allows to organize and provide information about them.
All compositions created also appear in the list. As we have seen, is led by the name given to the project followed. Your settings remember the basics to Adobe Premiere. However, we found some differences.
In Premiere there is a separation between bins and documents does not exist here. It is configurable, because we can show or hide each column to our choice and change their order by dragging the header, and expand or enclose open, dragging the side of the head.
Selectable data are: First name. Name the file extension. Color label. Document type; a small badge to the left of the icon name also serves to identify the type of document. File size. In the time format you have selected in the preferences. File route. Locator storage location of the source file. Creation date. Field blank to enter any notes you want in relation to the document. The dropdown arrow, displays turn the list of columns that can be turned on or off. Options menu in the Project window.
Description Selecting an item from the list, still further expands the information in the header under the window title with the following: graphical representation by means of a thumbnail still picture. Beside the number of occasions when used within this project the selected item is indicated, and in which compositions.
These compositions appear in a dropdown list when the name is pressed. The size in pixels HxV. The duration and frame rate fps.
Where applicable, the color depth and the type of file compression. Organization We can vary the order based on any of the features that make the columns, by clicking on the appropriate header. Another provision constitute the color markings. These marks are applied to the selected item by clicking the right mouse button on the color box column Label , and choosing the desired from the dropdown list color.
This list includes the command Select Label Group at the same time to select all items labeled with the same color. Folders can be created, either by clicking on the icon New folder or doing the right mouse button on any empty part of the Project window, which will cause a menu option that appears to unfold New folder.
If you want to place an item in a folder, select it and drag on it. To remove, is selected and is dragged off. If we want to rename a folder, select the name, press Enter and type the new name. Because the project can work with more than one composition, we can create as many as you want and access each using the dropdown that appears at the top of the panel.
By default, we all grouped in one window will appear, simply open the dropdown and select the composition you want to work. Control group controls: Use button always view for the preview: Switches the current view as the default view for previews.
D: Switch View button masks: Switches between display masks a composition and image display without masks. Photogram represented at the hearing: by clicking on it you can enter another code time to replace it. The Alfa setting displays opaque and transparent areas as black and white, respectively, with degrees of opacity as shades of gray.
Coloring shows the Red, Green and Blue channels in their respective colors instead of black and white. This helps to speed up the refresh view. Toggle Transparency Grid button: Switches between displaying a background as a chessboard to show transparency and display the background color. Grids, rulers and guides: In an image composition program like this are very practical help to provide reference points on which to place the elements.
Background color Background : By default, the background of a new composition is black. Another option, available from the Window menu lateral arrow , is to use a checkerboard of the same type as in Photoshop, to visualize areas of transparency. Comparison of the same image in the window layer left and in the layout window right. In this figure we show the relationship between the window Cap, left, and the window Composition. Notice that right in the window Composition, no reduction none of the display, but it has been necessary to considerably reduce the size of the image, so that is only partially shown.
The rectangle delimits the layer, and the circle indicates its center. Otherwise, the window Cap It has the same controls as we have seen in the window Composition, but also the timeline representing the duration of said layer and enables movement to any of its frames displayed.
However, keep in mind that, in the case of QuickTime videos and Video for Windows, when you double click on them are shown in a window with its own type of controls, the same as used to be opened outside the application and also reproduce audio if to take it.
To view these videos in the window Material the Alt key must be pressed when you double-click. The same goes for windows Cap Y Material. We can form groups of windows by mixing the three types together without any problems.
If we place the pointer over the tab and drag a window over another group, the window fits into the new location, like mechanics that uses Photoshop to group the different palettes Layers, Channels, etc.
The picture shows the following from left to right: a window Composition; the central and active at this time, a window Cap; and behind a window Material. Timeline window As in Premiere, the window Timeline It provides the representation of the compositions on the time scale. This is the window indicated to establish changes of each layer along the succession of frames. NOTE: As will be seen, the complexity of this window is greater.
This section describes many aspects whose functions will be explained below for a better understanding listed. For this reason, we recommend that you consider now as a first contact with the contents of this window, and also as a reference to something that appears later.
Window Timeline is no exception; also applied the same principle to have the grouped for convenience compositions.
Indicates the precise frame displayed at this time in the window Composition. Clicking this time code dialogue opens Go to Time, where you can type the timecode to jump to another frame. It contains checkboxes to enable disable audio or video, and to lock or unlock. Only box headed by a circle serves to hide with one click all the elements of the composition except selected. List of the layers. Switches Timeline panel: It contains switches 20 active previews, 3D eraser, Shy Layers, frame blending, motion blur and Graphics editor.
G: Column Mode: It contains options to control various display functions and performance of a layer. It includes button Editor, which switches between Graphics Editor and how Layer bar. H: Button Composition: Opens and brings the front window Composition appropriate, if that is hidden.
Type allows an observation about the layer. Indicates the layer mode Normal, multiply, etc. To operate on the linkage and nesting of the layers. Keyframes browser. E, F: Input, Output. Columns that display the time codes corresponding to the points of entry and exit.
They are editable. Gradient Animations in After Effects. Mastering Figma: Beginner to Expert []. Leave A Reply Cancel Reply. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Accept Read More.
Animate compelling infographics. Rendering in after effects. Creating GIF. Creative Text animation. Add watermark and lowerthird on your video. Creating beautiful background. Creating animated background. Students will need to download After Effects. Want to become motion graphic designer.
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